Vol. 2 A Publication of the GEAR Foundation Issue 7


1976 GEAR


CLEVELAND -In commemoration of International Women's Day on March 6 one hundred women and men demonstrated at the Old Federal Building in Cleveland.

Among the signs spotting the picket line were those held by about 12 15 area gays: female and male "Women and Gays: None Are Free Til All Are Free." "Gays Against Sexism and Racism. Cleveland Gay Political Union."

Members of CGPU, the Cleveland Area Lesbian Feminist Alliance, the gay caucus of YAWF, and Kent State's Women's group participated in

the march. Other sponsors included What She Wants, Spanish American Committee For A Better Community, the Rainbow Terrace Tenants, and Youth Against War and Facism.

After the rally at the Federal Building the demonstrators marched through downtown Cleveland. Passersby clenched their fists and shook hands with the protestors in a show of support. The parade culminated in a series of speakers at the Soldier's and Sailor's Monument at Public Square.

A senior citizen spoke against recent utility hikes. A representative from the National

Organization of Women demanded passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in the coming year and Rochell Simone, a spokeswoman for the International Women's Day Committee, and member of YAWF and CGPU called for solidarity with women all over the world.

Among the demands of the demonstrators were:

Passage of the E.R.A.

A Right to the Choice of Abortion

An End to Racism

A Defense of Gay Rights Full Employment Decent Jobs and Equal Pay

for Women

Several other U.S. cities including New York, Detroit, and Buffalo commemorated the date with large demonstrations.

International Women's Day has been an annual event since March 8, 1908 when working women of the N.Y. City Needle Trade Union demanded an 8 hour day and an end to child labor. Since 1910 the day has been celebrated by working women to celebrate past victories and acknowledge future struggles. The demonstration in Cleveland was especially



In response to

the Cleveland Press' censorship of Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip, 30 gay women and men marched en masse on the Press a pouring rain Feb. 16 to protest the ban. Initiated by the Kent Gay Liberation Front, the demonstration



members of KGLF, the Cleveland Gay Political Union, and the gay caucus of YAWF.

All three major television stations covered the march and Leon Stevens, co-editor of High Gear, was interviewed on WEWS-TV's Channel 5. Said Stevens: "We're out here to show the public that we will no longer tolerate being ignored...We have a press, our


KENT At the March 3 Steering Committee Meeting of the Kent Gay Liberation Front duties for the April 2, 3, and 4 conference were delegated to Pam Aubele and Jeanne Hunt. Speakers for the April conference were then discussed. Karla Jay and Alan Young, authors of Out of the Closets were slated as keynote speakers at 8 Friday April 2. Also appearing on Saturday are Peter Fischer, author of the Gay Mystique, and Marc Ruben, one of the founders of the Gay Activist Alliance, New York. One more woman was yet to be announced.

In addition the conference schedule lists panel discussions and workshops on Racial and

Ethnic Minority Gays, Socialism, Lesbian-Feminism-Separatism, Lesbian Mothers, Gay Male (Dis?) Unity, Coming Out to Employers and Parents, Transsexualism, and Lesbian Poetry Reading.

The registration fee for the conference is $2.00 for students and umemployed. $4.00 for others which includes free admission to the respective women's/men's parties.


A limited amount of room is available campus. ($9.35/single, $14.56/double). Further information is available from Korb Hall (216-678-3550). Attempts will be made to provide free housing for those willing to bring a sleeping bag and sleep on floors.

own entertainment centers, and a culture as valid as any other. It's time this area recognized us."

Encouraged by information that Trudeau's gay character may soon be repeated, demonstrators promised to be at the Press' doorstep again should the Press attempt to delete Doonesbury a second time. Remarked one marcher; "It's ironic that Scripps-Howard owns both WEWS-TV and the Cleveland Press. TV 5 has given the local gay movement topnotch coverage while The Press, on the other. hand, decries us as immoral eyesores."

CGPU'S Guide to Gay Rights

CLEVELAND At its March 3rd meeting the Cleveland Gay Political Union discussed the importance of presenting a concise, factual pamphlet on homosexuality to area council people and significant others. CGPU member John Kelsey volunteered the responsibility of writing an outline and procuring

relevant information for the pamphlet, tentatively titled, "The Intelligent Heterosexual Guide to Gay Rights." Kelsey will share his proposal with CGPU at its next meeting on March 17, at CSU's University Center (Glass Cage) Room 361 at 8 p.m.

The pamphlet will be prepared soon thereafter to spearhead the drive toward legal rights in target cities, Cleveland and Shaker Heights. (Cleveland Heights, as reported in last month's High Gear, became the first Northern Ohio city to provide job discrimination protection for its gay ployees). After discussion of the guide, CGPU went into closed session to plan unpublicized action toward the affirmative action policies soon to expire in neighboring communities.


notable as it was the first to sport all participants chanting pro-gay slogans: "The sexist system is anti-gay. We won't take it another day."

International Women's Day launched two important events for area women. First the umbrella organization of Women Space was announced, offering a wide array of services, and secondly, a new national drive for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment proclaimed at a local press conference. Next target state is Illinois.



CLEVELAND C.A.L.F.A., the Cleveland Area Lesbian Feminist Alliance, has


announced a new phone service for area lesbians, effective immediately. Providing general information and counseling, the swtichboard, 932-2669, is the first of many services, C.A.L.F.A. hopes to offer Cleveland lesbians. C.A.L.F.A. recently emerged from the remnants of the organization D.Y.K.E.

Meetings are held every Monday at 7:30 p.m. Business meetings convene the first Monday of every month. As the locations of the meetings vary each week, lesbians are asked to call the switchboard for exact locales. C.A.L.F.A.'s mailing address is P.O. Box 18458, Cleveland Hts., Ohio 44118.

MCC Akron Anniversary

AKRONMCC Akron will celebrate its second anniversary.. March 14 at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Morewood Avenue with a special anniversary service at 2:00 and a spaghetti dinner to follow. A two dollar donation will pay for the dinner. Akron enjoys the growth and strength of two years of hard work. Now a full Charter service with a full time pastor, it is moving on in the ministry for which it was established. All are invited to share with MCC Akron in the celebration.
